House of People
House of People
Bogdan Georgescu (RumAi??nien)
- Active Art project for Social Reintegration and Creative
Education ai??i??
House of People ai??i?? Active Art and Community
Theatre Project is an initiative of Generosityai??i??s Offensive for the dissemination and implementation in prisons creative education and active art programs. The artists involved in the project are volunteers and the project is part of the volunteering program developed by The Maximum Security Prison in Craiova.
The project lasts for one year now and the innovative aspect of this project is the combination in the work process of creating and presenting the performance both with inmates and professional actors. The creative process starts through a precise observation and documentation period and develops through fictionalizing, creating this way a neutral safe area, in which nobody is directly exposed, still problems and issues exist and are negotiated and analyzed through the dramatic process. In our own method of work, the artistic vision and input is in the background and not the purpose of the project. The creative process is the main focus and not the product, even though the artist make no compromise of the quality of their work, even if the conditions are so different than the professional ones and some of the participants have no experience.
Active Art – the process of revealing the truth and the work of art each of us is and transform the everyday life into a collective work of art. The Concept of The Active Art - is the direct and unmediated form of the representation of reality. The Active Art
based on the
Active Art method is build specifically through the direct participation of the involved community in which the performance will take place.
With: Dragos Maru Bran, Alex Calangiu, Iulia Lazar, Sorinel Dita, Irinel Neaga, Dumitru Pandele, Cristi Patru si Raluca aun (five inmates and three professional actors)
Project Author: Bogdan Georgescu Synopsis: One room apartment in Antwerp, Belgium. Scarfaceai??i??s gang is robbing westerners. Scarface: ai???If they have, theyai??i??re supposed to give to those that have nothing. Thatai??i??s the way things are. Here, in the House of People, because the truth is this fucking room is the real house of the people, we accept all of them, all those who want to have a fresh start in live, get rid of the hunger in Romania. We house them, set things up. Of course they have to work for us for a while. But itai??i??s for their own The problem is Scarface lost an important number of collaborators recently and heai??i??s waiting for new recruits from Romania, to rob the biggest jewelry store in town. Just that the new comers that he expected ruin all his plans and take all of them to the evacuation of The House of schools florida People
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